
For Managers

for Candidates

PASport Communications

“You need to know who people are, not just what they can do for you.”

The PASport Profile recognizes an individuals patterns and tendencies to determine an individuals communication style. The individual completes a questionnaire online or on paper to produce a personal profile. The individual submits the same questionnaires to friends, colleagues, and/or peers to evaluate the individual. Based on the information gathered the individual receives a feedback report on their communication style and an action plan to ensure long lasting and trusting relationships.

Results and Benefits You can expect Include:

  • Knowledge of your communication style and others
  • Action plan for communicating with others
  • Ability to motivate others
  • Increased levels of trust
  • Reduced interpersonal conflicts

The PASport Communications Program includes the following elements:

  • Communication Style Survey
  • Communications Style Profile
  • Mentor's Guide


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